
  • I saw that game and it ended as a win for Iowa State the score was IA State: 9, IA Hawkeyes: 6. I only saw the end of it and was dissapointed that the Hawkeyes lost, but its only the beginning of the season and plenty of more foes to face.

  • That is so easy it;s going to Iowa STate, but when it comes to the Iowa and Nebraska Game i do belive Nebraske is got that one already won!

  • This isn't even a question! Iowa state all the way! Go state! (:

  • I would defiantly put my money on Iowa State. Iowa just isn't the best team this year. Not very well put together.

  • iowa of course i mean they are obviously the best team ever they are 1-0 iowa state is to but thats their only win this season.

  • i'm pretty confident the the Hawks will pull out the win.  We had a little shaky start against Northern Illinois, but i think we will rebound.  not only do i think they will win, but i think they will win big!

  • I say Iowa hawkeyes but then again I only like them because I hate the Huskers and the Cyclones. Go Hawkeyes

  • IOWA STATE all the way baby!! iowa are just are big talkers! they dont have anything on ISU! well im not really an isu fan.. but! i would certainly choose then over Iowa!! haha Go HUSKERS!!.. and Go CYCLONES! I guess in this insituation!!!

  • IOWA STATE for sure is gonna win, big fan love that team! im rooting for them the whole way!

  • Iowa State all the way!!!!!

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