Iowa State

Iowa State played their 3rd game last night and had another win! I am a big ISU fan and was actually at the game last night. Its great that they had another win and i think they will have a good year. What do you guys think?

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  • by looking at their schedule they are going to have a tough year.  they have to go to TCU, Oklahoma state, and Texas.  not to mention west Virginia who some people picked to win the BCS national Championship.  they certainly  have a tough year ahead of them. 

  • I was at the game to and I think they will have a big year this year because of there defense since they have some of the best linebackers in the nation.

  • I think that Iowa State will have a very good year. I went to the game this weekend and they did good.

  • I think that Iowa State will do good this year! They look like that have a good team! I went to the game last night and pretty sure they had two touchdowns in like the first 10 minutes that's awesome! I like Iowa State just not when they play Iowa.

  • I think this year they will go far.  I have a feeling it is going to be a good year.

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