Intoxicated... On What?

Aaron Cogley was allegedly driving through the streets of Bristol when police pulled him over, assuming Cogley was drunk or high. They were shocked to find out he was neither. Cogley said he was in a hurry and listening to drum and bass music. His license has been taken away for a year. The judge decided he was intoxicated on the drum and bass music. Get this- He is also a professional driver!

I think this kind of makes sense. He was driving recklessly to the music, but i wouldn't necessarily say he was intoxicated from it. I think he was just really into the music and distracted. 

Read the whole story here and tell me your thoughts on it!

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  • I think he should get charged for reckless driving. He was probably just as dangerous as a drunk driver. I'm glad he didn't hurt anyone.

  • Intoxicated? That doesn't even make sense; there is a charge for reckless driving that would make way more sense here.

  • Music can be very distracting on the road. People shouldn't play their music to loud becuase it could be fatal. You can't hear anyting going on around you. It is dangerous.

  • I don't think his license should have been taken away for a year. Like it's not like he actually was intoxicated! I mean it was music. Yes he shouldn't have been driving so carelessly and recklessly but he should not have got his license taken away..

  • 1 charge for reckless driving does seem like a way better charge. Taking his license away for a year seems a little extreme.

  • This is very funny actually. I bet he was diving crazy

  • It's weird he is a professional driver. Can he drive any cars for anything now? It was extreme and ridiculous to take his license for a year. He should have gotten a ticket and maybe a 30 day suspension for reckless driving, but not a year.

  • that's dumb. he shouldn't get his license taken away for a year, he wasn't doing anything majorly wrong or doing anything to hurt anyone else

  • Intoxicated is a ridiculous choice of wording. And the suspension for that long is stupid too, people drive recless often. listening to music isn't illegla. no. the judge made a silly ruling in my opionon.

  • Taking away the license was a little much I would think. I listen to music when I drive, but I don't have it blasting, and I don't drive recklessly because of it. But music should be in the background rather than the "priority" because you could be in an accident. I feel sorry for the guy that he lost his driving privileges for a whole year!

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