A man was going through some old boxes in his attic, when he came across an audio reel that said "Dr. King interview, Dec. 21, 1960." What he found was his father interviewing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Here's the link:


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  • It's cool that there's still missing pieces of history being found like this. it's interesting to think that in the future stuff like this might not happen as much because everything will be so easily documented and accessible.

  • Thats crazy! You always hear of people going through boxes in their attics and finding things like this. I just found it amazing that this guys dad never told him about it or mentioned it at all! I think that pretty cool.

  • If that were me i probably would have passed out! How incredible!! Is is being put in a museum or where is it being kept??

  • Reagan,

    You added two http:// instead of just one, that is why the link didn't work. Thanks to Mr. Bryan for fixing the link.

    Great post though and what a find! Remember when cleaning out old relatives homes to look at everything very carefully as they might have some hidden treasure in their home.
  • This is a really neat article! I like what Mr. James said about helping us understand more. It can give us a little insight to how he was thinking!

  • Fixed Link

    The link posted is not working, I updated that. Very good find. This is an extremely interesting story.  It could end up being helpful in understanding some more of the work MLK Jr. did. At the very least this will add more to his legacy.

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