Inspirational Dog!

For you animal lovers this story will break your heart! According to this article, earlier this month a dog, who they have named Buck, was found tied in a garbage bag and multiple wounds caused by a pellet gun. He wasn't found until the next day and I was surprised he lived! He is recovering from everything, but they weren't sure if he would be permanently blind after being shot in the eyes. 

Also in the article it tells how they raised the money to pay for Buck's medical bills and more about his wounds.

My thoughts on this is why on the world would you do this to an innocent creature! Animals have feeling too! Some questions that run through my mind would be how cruel can you be?

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  • I think people who abuse and neglect animals such as Buck, should be punished such as people who abuse and neglect children. Animals are creatures too, and matter in the world. I could never imagine hurting one.

  • This story is so sad. I don't understand why people would purposely torture a living creature. To do that to Buck is so cruel, and whoever did this needs to get help, because they have a big mental issue.  Also the dog could not fight back, so hurting the innocent dog was extra cruel.

  • OK I don't understand why someone would do that! I mean if u cant handle having a dog then go give to to someone that can. I mean a dog has to defense to a guy with a gun.  

  • I agree completely. How cruel can the world get? That dog though, it's a miracle he's even alive but I'm not even sure if we should be happy for Buck. How is he going to spend the rest of his life? I've seen blind dogs before and it is not always the prettiest site. I'm not saying he should've died, I just feel terrible for this innocent dog and hope he can recover to some extent.

  • How did Buck survive, the brain cavity is held right behind the eyeball sockets, and the doctor says that he sees animals as badly injured as Buck as frequently as once a month. That is crazy, only a Texas hick would be dumb enough to make senseless decisions such as the ones protrayed above in Alex's opening statement.

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