In recent times in India, the number of rapes, both reported and not, have skyrocketed, climbing from 2,487 in 1971 to 24,206 reported rapes in 2011. As a result, a woman by the name of Usha Vishwakarma has stepped up and started the 'Red Brigade,' a group of Indian females, mostly teens, who have been sexually assault or raped in the past, who patrol the streets, looking for anyone assaulting or attempting to assault other women. They travel in packs and, as their first method of attack, begin by insulting and mocking the offender in every way possible, a major slight in a mainly Hindu, mainly Male nation like India. If that does not work, they have admitted to resorting to violence, though mostly just in the form of slapping.

I personally think that the women of India are right to do what they are doing and hope that the Indian government will take action and do something about these rapes and assaults, rather than leaving it to the victims to deal with. What do you think? Should women take actions themselves? Or trust in the courts of a sexist society?


CNN Story: Here

The Red Brigade:

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  • I agree with what the woman are doing. Hindu is a very sexist religion and it is terrible that the government isn't doing anything to prevent the rape. Woman are people, too, and they deserve respect.

  • Knowing that these women are mainly a group of teenage victims is sad. But I also congratulate them for taking a stand and I really hope the government will do something about this issue.

  • Why are women considered 2nd class citizens? Because normally if one nation changes something like women rights, the other will sometimes follow. Like I said, SOMETIMES.

  • I'm really happy to see these women taking action against sexual assault, especially when they're own government isn't. I think these women have every right to take matters into their own hands. No  woman deserves to be treated the way they have been treated.  What these women are doing is not only a creative idea but it's also a step in the right direction for these women and the future of women in India, and hopefully it will inspire other women to take a stand against sexual assault when their own sexist courts aren't willing to.

  • I think it's great that these women are standing up against sexual assault. The people who are commiting sexual assault deserve what they get. If they won't stop harming others because of words, there needs to be action. If the government starts fighting sexual assault better, this group should be asked about the ways to combat it, especially if what they're doing works well.

  • I think that some thing bigger needs to be done. What these people are doing is a good start, but it is not near enough. I do not know what, but some thing needs to change.

  • This is actually a really remarkable idea. Mazel tov to the women in this "Red Brigade". India is known for being a sexist so it takes even more courage to stand against the social norm. This really shows how you can make a difference, individually or in a group.. it does make a powerful mark. I think they should be applauded. You can't trust the sexist courts there.

    • I agree Emma. Women should have the right to stand up for themselves and others. I am with you applauding these women for being bold and standing up. 

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