In recent times in India, the number of rapes, both reported and not, have skyrocketed, climbing from 2,487 in 1971 to 24,206 reported rapes in 2011. As a result, a woman by the name of Usha Vishwakarma has stepped up and started the 'Red Brigade,' a group of Indian females, mostly teens, who have been sexually assault or raped in the past, who patrol the streets, looking for anyone assaulting or attempting to assault other women. They travel in packs and, as their first method of attack, begin by insulting and mocking the offender in every way possible, a major slight in a mainly Hindu, mainly Male nation like India. If that does not work, they have admitted to resorting to violence, though mostly just in the form of slapping.
I personally think that the women of India are right to do what they are doing and hope that the Indian government will take action and do something about these rapes and assaults, rather than leaving it to the victims to deal with. What do you think? Should women take actions themselves? Or trust in the courts of a sexist society?
CNN Story: Here
The Red Brigade: