2 bomb blasts killed at least 16 people and wounded 117 others. The 2 bombs were planted on bikes parked in a crowded spot. They were improvised explosive devices. The Prime Minister said that who ever is responsible will be punished. He also "approved money for the next of kin of those killed and others seriously injured. "

This is very sad that even the world is this bad all this hatred and killing. People just need a wide a waking. I hope the injured people are not that badly injured that they make it home to still live. RIP to the 16 that died. What are your thoughts?


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  • This is so horrible. I bet the people that were injured are probably scarred for life or something.. i could not imagine going through something like that and getting over it.

  • well its a sad story and this guy was obviously planning to hurt people i hope they find whoever did this and he gets punished for it.

  • This is so sad. I hope that they find and punish the person, or people that did this. I don't understand why someone would do something that this, because it just hurts the people and their families and friends. I hope the that all those wounded people will be alright.

  • That is so sad. The world is so evil sometimes. I can't fathom it.

  • This is a sad story. It's amazing what people will do for revenge or a way to get even. I hope that the people who were injured can recover fully, and hopefully continue on with their lives in a somewhat normal manner.

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