as of the 1st california schools allowed girls and boys use oppisite sex bathrooms and locker rooms whether if they feel "female or Male". governor jerry brown signed the bill that allowed that. not also they got to use boys bathrooms they allowed kids to choose their sport teams based on whether they sense they are boys or girls not if they were born boys or girls
what do you guys think of this? what you guys do if harlan did this?
Interesting topic! Be sure to capitalize words that should be and reply to comments a bit more regularly.
I think this is just really weird and it would invade the privacy of many people. I would not approve if we did this here in Harlan because then the sports teams would not be all boys or all girls and it would mix up everyone.
The teams are okay but the bathrooms should not be acceptable. I guarantee you that the people that "feel" male or female do not really feel it they just use it as an excuse to go into a bathroom of the opposite sex.
The amount of stupidity in the human race never ceases to amaze me. If you let that happen obviously things would happen in there. Younger kids would be exposed to it that wouldn't want to. A lot of kids are probably going to drop from sports because of this too.
This is just messed up, guys should go in the guy bathroom, and girls should go in the girls bathroom.
I agree that would be very awkward walking around with the opposite sex. Just think if your family members were with you.
I think this is wrong. I don't care if you feel like a boy, if your a girl you need to use a girls locker room. I don't think some girls would appreciate a naked guy walking around their locker room but maybe they would. I think its weird.
I don't think that having co-ed sports teams is a bad thing. I do think that having separate bathrooms is a good thing. I would not enjoy it if Harlan did this.
I think having sports together is okay but I'm not so sure about the bathroom situation. Not that it's bad for boys and girls using the same bathroom but I know a lot of people would be uncomfortable if they knew the other gender was in the stall next to them.
Well if they are transgender, and depending on if it is a boy or girl. Like for example if it was a boy and he felt more femine i wouldn't be bothered by them going into the girls bathroom. Same for the girls as well. I wouldn't care. It is who they are and what they feel.