i'm blue da ba dee da ba die...

what does everyone think of the autism awareness music? i think its pretty awesome actually, it doesn't bother me one bit. (:  and i really hope that nobody pays the money to make it stop.. actually i hope that someone does pay it..  because its for a good cause.. but i still like the music.

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  • That day was miserable. I wanted to sprint through the hallways just to make that freakin song stop. I would've payed if I had money.
  • eh its kinda annoying but not to the point where i'd pay for it to stop haha thats mean.
  • Its kind of clever on their part. you can buy the song and donate money if you like it but if you dont people can pay to stop it :) both ways you're getting money for a really good cause.
  • Eh it was alright.
  • I like this song, so it doesnt bother me at all. I wouldnt pay to stop the music honestly.
  • I find it sort of annoying but i would pay $5 to stop playing it.
  • i didnt really mind the song. thought it was catchy.
    but i thought the "da ba dee da ba die" part was saying "if i was green i would die"
    idk. thought it made sense, since the guy is talking about being blue....
  • i loved....key word... LOVED that song...til last year...when they played it over and over again lo they should play PARTY IN THE USA lol
  • It is pretty good i think......
  • i hated that day!!
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