illness can't stop Hoop Dreams

This boy had been battling an illness since he was born. His veins don't connect properly from the heart to the lung. after open heart surgery he has one working lung. The doctors said he couldn't play basketball, but he is playing the game. He got to play in a really game. He made his first shot in the last like 30 seconds. People said that its not just winning the game, its about having fun.

I am so glad he gets to at least play basketball even though he can't do the running up and down the court. His mom and family are so supportive. I really hope that they find a cure for this illness. Even if they don't I hope he lives a long life. What do you think about this the boy Daniel?

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  • That kid is a baller, and a real inspiration

  • This is a great kid, It's good that the less fortunate gets to still have fun and play basketball.

  • This is so neat and it's amazing he's following his dreams. He's so brave too I hope he lives a really long life because if he does he really is going to go far.

  • This reminds me of other people i know with heart conditions that werent ever supposed to plat sports again. I love stories like this because it just proves that no illness can ruin a dream if you fight hard enough for your dream. Unless its like a very serious injury or illness. Im happy this boy is still playing basketball. This is another real life example of following your dreams and nothing can stop you.

  • This is sad! i am glad he still gets to live out his dreams thought, he is a very brave kid to go out there and no do that even though he cant

  • I'm so happy that this boy found a way, even if it's not necesarily what he wish it could be, to play basketball again. That shot going in meant more than just another 2 points on the scoreboard, it was a visual display of not letting anything stand, even when it's in a different way, shape or form. Good for him.

  • This is a great story. Im glad that him being sick isnt stopping him from giving him upon his dream. Im also glad that he shot a score!

  • I am glad that this boy has enough courage to put his life at risk to do what he loves. I hope that his family stands behind him in his decision. Hope he takes care of himself!

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