
  • Why would she do something like that? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did something like that! I think she deserves life in prision...not just 60 years.

  • Yeah, I still don't understand why anyone would want to do this. What's the point?

  • How could someone do that to their own children? It is just sickening.I think she deserves to be in jail for the rest of her life.

  • This is discussing!!! Some people these days! YOu never know what to expect! Why would they do this to an innocent baby!

  • That is disgusting! Who could ever do something like that? Like seriously. She needs to be locked up for the rest of her life.

  • What kind of mother is this?  I don't understand how anyone could do something so mean.  She deserves to be put in prision for 60 years.  What goes through your head when you do something like this? 

  • that is sooooo wrong! glad she will be in prison for it

  • What an idiot! Aparently she didn't learn from her mistakes either of the first two times.

  • 60 years sounds like a sympathetic sentence if you ask me... this women should be put away for a life sentence for what she did.

  • That is awful. Sometimes i just don't get what goes through peoples heads. Like why would you leave babies to freeze to death. I mean if you don't want them put them up for adoption. Not kill the poor thing.

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