Twelve years ago Kelly Weaver's daughter, Gillian, was diagnosed with severe Autism. At the time Kelly knew nothing of the disease and spent countless hours trying to educate herself so she could better help her daughter. Soon Gillian was the one who needed education, but Kelly struggled to find a school that could fit her daughter's specific needs. So her and another mother of an Autistic child banned together and created Alexander Leigh Center for Autism. The school now tends to 27 children ages 3-15 as well as helping other schools make their programs more Autistic friendly. So what do you think of this dedicated mother? I believe that this woman is absolutely amazing and hopefully other communities will follow in her footsteps of taking charge and making a difference.  Read more about Kelly and Gillian here.

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  • This mom is a really great person she is a great person and should get something for doing this for the kids

  • What an awesome idea. Having a brother who is slightly autistic this is amazing to hear. I think it is nice that these kids are getting the attention they deserve.

  • This is amazing! I'm so happy these children/young adults have somewhere to learn at their level.

  • That's very cool, I can't believe she was actually able to create a school. She must be a really good mom if she is willing to do that for her kids

  • I think that is great for kids who have troubles.  This way they won'te left behind, and can maintain happiness.

  • I think that this was a very good idea!

  • I think that this mom is amazing. Not a lot of parents would go this far to actually create a school. I am really proud of this woman. Gillian is lucky to have such a loving and generous mom.

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