If YOU won the lottery...

if you won the lottery, what would you buy? where would you go? would you dontate any to charity?

I think if i won, i would send a lot to Yemen... and i would also spend the rest on a car, and maybe even spend it on a vacation cruise for me and a friend...

what would you do?

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  • i think i would not know what to do with it. id probably just save it all.

  • If I won the lottery I would probably help pay off some bills and but about 20 million away for later in life just in case something bad would ever happen. Then the rest I would help people out in the communtiy or maybe just keep it for adds to be a candidate for a political office.

  • First I would buy a nice car. Then I'd buy Steeler season tickets. Then, after that I would put it in the bank to use for college, and to travel a lot! 

  • I would get a collection of cars and motorcycles and give a lot to my family and probably save the rest for my family in the future. That would be a really good feeling winning the lottery because it is one in a million chance to win.

  • i would buy a car and give a lot to charity.

  • If I won the lottery I would spend it on a trip around the world. I love to travel and experience new things so that probably what I would do. Also I would go shopping.

  • I would allocate the money over a lengthy period of time to ensure myself never needing to work again for the rest of my life.

  • I would give alot to charity and to provide food for starving kids in the world. I would travel places in the world to experience new places. I would save money for when I get older and give some to each of my family members

  • i think i would go on a vacation buy a car, and maybe a mansion if there is enogh money

  • If I won the lottery, I would use a lot of the money to travel around the world and experience new things. I would also put some of the money in the bank to save for later on in life.

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