If I Picked the Oscars (1997)

These are my Oscar picks for the 1997 Academy Awards.  (Actual Winner)

Best Visual Effects: Titanic (Titanic)

Best Film Editing: Titanic (Titanic)

Best Costume Design: Titanic (Titanic)

Best Makeup: Men in Black (Men in Black)

Best Cinematography: Titanic (Titanic)

Best Art Direction: Titanic (Titanic)

Best Sound Mixing: Air Force One (Titanic)

Best Sound Editing: Titanic (Titanic)

Best Original Musical or Comedy Score: Men in Black (The Full Monty)

Best Original Dramatic Score: Titanic (Titanic)

Best Original Song: My Heart will Go On from Titanic (My Heart will Go On)

Best Adapted Screenplay: L.A. Confidential (L.A. Confidential)

Best Original Screenplay: As Good as it Gets (Good Will Hunting)

Best Supporting Actress: Gloria Stuart for Titanic (Kim Basinger for L.A. Confidential)

Best Supporting Actor: Robin Williams for Good Will Hunting (Robin Williams)

Best Actress: Helen Hunt for As Good as it Gets (Helen Hunt)

Best Actor: Jack Nicholson for As Good as it Gets (Jack Nicholson)

Best Director: James Cameron for Titanic (James Cameron)

Best Picture: Titanic (Titanic)

Multiple Winners: Men in Black (2), As Good as it Gets (3), Titanic (11).

Titanic, Ben-Hur, and Lord of the Rings: Return of the King all tie for 11 Academy Awards each.  In this case, Titanic just came short of the record.

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