If I Picked the Oscars (1986)

These are my Oscar picks for the 1986 Academy Awards.  (Acutal Winner)

Best Visual Effects: Aliens (Aliens)

Best Film Editing: Platoon (Platoon)

Best Costume Design: Peggy Sue Got Married (A Room with a View)

Best Makeup: The Fly (The Fly)

Best Cinematography: Platoon (The Mission)

Best Art Direction: Aliens (A Room with a View)

Best Sound Editing: Top Gun (Aliens)

Best Sound Mixing: Platoon (Platoon)

Best Original Song: Take my Breath Away from Top Gun (Take my Breath Away)

Best Original Score: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Round Midnight)

Best Adapted Screenplay: Stand by Me (A Room with a View)

Best Original Screenplay: Platoon (Hannah and her Sisters)

Best Supporting Actress: Dianne Wiest for Hannah and her Sisters (Dianne Wiest)

Best Supporting Actor: Willem Dafoe for Platoon (Michael Caine for Hannah and her Sisters)

Best Actress: Sigourney Weaver for Aliens (Marlee Matlin for Children of a Lesser God)

Best Actor: Paul Newman for The Color of Money (Paul Newman)

Best Director: Oliver Stone for Platoon (Oliver Stone)

Best Picture: Platoon (Platoon)

Multiple Winners: Top Gun (2), Aliens (3), Platoon (7).

I may have said it before and I'll probably say it agian, but this is definately the hardest choice making I've had yet.  Hope that these films are becoming more and more familiar.

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