If I Picked the Oscars (1983)

These are my Oscar picks for the 1983 Academy Awards.  (Actual Winner)

Best Cinematography: The Right Stuff (Fanny and Alexander)

Best Art Direction: Return of the Jedi (Fanny and Alexander)

Best Sound Editing: Return of the Jedi (The Right Stuff)

Best Sound Mixing: Return of the Jedi (The Right Stuff)

Best Costume Design: Fanny and Alexander (Fanny and Alexander)

Best Original Song: Maniac from Flashdance (What a Feeling from Flashdance)

Best Original Song Score or Adaptation Score: Trading Places (Yentl)

Best Original Score: Return of the Jedi (The Right Stuff)

Best Film Editing: The Right Stuff (The Right Stuff)

Best Adapted Screenplay: Terms of Endearment (Terms of Endearment)

Best Original Screenplay: WarGames (Tender Mercies)

Best Supporting Actress: Glenn Close for The Big Chill (Linda Hunt for The Year of Living Dangerously)

Best Supporting Actor: Jack Nicholson for Terms of Endearment (Jack Nicholson)

Best Actress: Shirley MacLaine for Terms of Endearment (Shirley MacLaine)

Best Actor: Robert Duvall for Tender Mercies (Robert Duvall)

Best Director: James L. Brooks for Terms of Endearment (James L. Brooks)

Best Picture: The Right Stuff (Terms of Endearment)

Multiple Winners: The Right Stuff (3), Return of the Jedi, Terms of Endearment (4). 

Some good ones here as well.


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