Idol contestant Jermaine Jones was kicked off of American Idol for criminal records. Jermaine committed two crimes in 2011 that had to do with violence and both times he gave the police fake names. He was also disqualified for not sharing with the producers that he had these warrants on him. Jermaine also has 2 other warrants on him, but the crime was not revealed.

Did they do the right thing?

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  • Honesty is the best policy.  I think if he would have been honest with both the police and the producers of the show maybe he wouldn't have been kicked off but that's just me.

  • I think it was fair, he called it upon himself by lying to them in the first place.

  •  I think it was fair, because he lied to them. I think if he would have been more honest with the American Idol producers everything would have been way different. 

  • I dont think this is right because maybe he started singing to get his mind off these things. I could also see the other side of it because he didnt tell the producers but i dont think it was there problem just the police.

  • I think that they did the right thing because he is the one that wanted to be on a show and he didn't give the producers information that they should have known

  • Well if he decides that he's going to join a show, he should tell the producers about his record. He can either tell them or not do the shouldn't be a criminal, and if you are, i don't think that you should be on idol. I can hardly blame them for booting him off.

  • I think they did the right thing since he did not share the warrents with the producers. He should not have gave fake names to the police.

  • I think it's fair because he gave fake names to the police and he didnt tell the producers about the warrants. It might seem cruel but its fair.

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