
  • lol thats 2 funny cuz usually a robbery involves money nt just food an food only
  • haha i think it would be funnier if they actually demanded the money and later returned and tried to buy food.
    • that would be hilarious lol
  • hmmm....this makes me hungry haha
  • thats funny. but i guess it sort of makes sense. to survive, you need food. not money.
  • That is so werid. But i could see my friends doing that.
  • haha thats funny. It's pretty dumb, but I guess when you're hungry you're hungry.
  • that is so stupid. were they caught?? i hate when people come through and order at bk then drive off..its so immature...
  • Taco Bell is so gross. Why Taco Bell? Why not something better?
  • jamaican me crazy, mon
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