I killed a man

All Matt Cordle had to do was lie. Found not guilty after drinking and driving, he did not face any charges. His lawyer told him all he had to do was lie, and he would be free. His lawyers told him there was a very high chance of getting away with little to no charges. He decided to do the right thing and confessed to his wrong doing. He made a three and a half minute video confessing to drinking, attempting to drive home, and killing a man in the process. He also said he is going to take full responsibility for his actions.

I feel this is a very brave thing to do, and I respect him much more that I would have if he tried to get by. After hearing his story, does it make you want to pledge not to drink and drive?

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  • Even though he did confess,he still committed a crime and should be charged for it.

    • I don't think anyone disagrees with you. He's just confessing, making himself face the brunt of the charges. Pretty much, him telling the truth just put him in jail

  • This response was very courageous and responsible of him. In my opinion, this should actually lessen his punishment. At the very least, he has my respect for being honest about it.

  • This man, disregarding the crimes committed, was raised right. He told the truth in the face of going to jail when lying would have kept him out. That takes guts, and the right mindset. If you look to what the future would have been, he would have been put back on the stand for Perjury (lying in court after being sworn in) and most likely faced even further punishment if more evidence was uncovered. He got the issue off of his chest and doesn't have to live with the guilt of having lied about killing a man. Faith in Humanity Restored...

  • I respect his decision and hope it leads to a reduction in driving drunk. People know the consequences of it, but they do it anyway because they think "What are the chances that I'll get caught?"

  • This was very grown up like for him to do this. I still don't have a lot of respect for him cause he was drinking and driving and killed a man, but for him to stand up and tell the truth was a good part on him. I still think the lawyer should get some type of punishment for saying he should lie. Yes, I pledge not to drink and drive.

  • I have a respect for him I doubt anyone would have for him if he'd lied. It's not right what he did, but he did do the right thing by confessing.

  • I saw this story on the news, it was pretty  interesting. I think he had to be brave in order to confess and put it on youtube. I'm glad that he might get little to no charge, because maybe he could be a speaker now, and speak to teens about the consequences of drinking and driving. 

  • That was a good thing he did because it was most likely his fault for killing the person. It is a good thing to not drink and drive because you can get killed or kill somebody else.

  • That man did the right thing for being so honest. I think most people would just straight up lie, but this man might make people have a different perspective on things. It was such a good thing to do, I wonder how the lawyer felt after this man did that. 

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