'I Believe You Zimmerman'

Some guy wants to sell clothes and stuff with the 'I Believe You Zimmerman' phrase on items such as leggings, shirts, beer mugs ect. Probably not hoodies though.... i think this is also dumb. I dont know what happened if he really killed him or whatever but he wants to make money off this and its like selfish. I dont think many people will support this. Will you?


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  • I don't think this idea will sell well. I wouldn't buy these.

  • This is complete crap. Trayvon is innocent and his death shall be avenged.

  • This is a good way to make money- but i think most people really dislike Zimmerman.

  • I think this stuff would sell badly. the majority opinion is against zimmerman, so there's really no market for it

  • Omg! Why would someone do that! That is just horrible! I would NEVER buy that..

  • i am totally against this, i just know that this idea is a bad one and many people will not buy this

  • I don't think many people will buy this items or support this. I would never buy these items. Zimmerman killed an innocent kid.

  • I thinks its worth a shot. You never know until you try, right?

  • Well that guy is a sicko. Zimmerman slaughtered a poor and innocent kid on the street and doesn't have a lot of regret or remorse to show for it. I do NOT believe Zimmerman, and I think a lot of jail time should be in his future.

  • This is dumb why would you do this? Especially since he killed a kid! The family of Treyvon would be so upset and i think a lot of other people would be too!

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