hurricane sandy

In recent news a hurricane hit off the coast of N.C.  The hurricane was later named sandy, the winds where up to 90 mph.  At 5 p.m. the center of the storm was about 30 miles east of N.J. the storm was moving at 28 mph. this huge new storm is not over yet and could end up endangering around 50 million people.

I feel that this storm will be devastating and there needs to be a better early dection system for these people, what are your views on this event?

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  • What about the CHILDREN!  ..I hope everyone finds a good place for a while!  Mother nature is CRAZY, in good and bad ways.

  • It would be scary to have a hurricane headed your way. I wonder how much damage Hurricane Sandy caused. I imagine that we will start rebuilding right away. I feel sorry for the people who lost their homes to this storm. I hope they will be alright.

  • I feel sympathy for all of the residents of the area, that have to go out, and buy all new things, and start all over again.

  • Yes there needs to be detection sooner but some storms will appear out of no where and there is nothing we can do about it except hope that it doesn't hurt us

  • This is very devastating! It is hard to prevent a storm or something like this from happening, and I know that people are trying to do whatever they can. It isn't possible for all of the people to fly out, or try and get to safety, but hopefully many of them can. Flying is out of the question, especially when all the airports shut down and cancelled flights. Hopefully this will come to and end soon.

  • OH MAN! i think we should do something to help personally! i mean there isnt very much we can do.. but im sure we could send down some money or food or supplies that they need!! this hurricane came, and hit hard! i will be praying for the people who lost everything and those who need the prayers at this time.

  • I'm so glad that i don't live on the coast so i don't have to deal with hurricanes or tropical storms.. But i do feel really bad for the people that had to leave their homes because of hurricane sandy.

  • I think this is so sad. I send my hopes, prayers, and condulences. I hope that they all get some place to live, fast. They can start rebuilding there home, and family. That really sucks, and hope it gets better.

  • I feel bad for all the people who have to find a new place to live, and buy all new things, since some of their things are ruined. Hopefully Sandy will end soon, so people can start rebuilding all the buildings and things that got damaged, and so that people can start living in their homes again.

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