Personally I don't think that it should be legal. I think that it would do a lot more harm than good to everyone's lives. Some people think that it would be a good idea to make it legal because it helps with medical purposes. But what do you guys think about it?
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Legal or illegal people are still going to use it. Kepp it illegal because if somebody's going to take a chance to use it and if they're caught they should be punished. It hurts the amazing body that God blessed all of us with.
I really don't think Marijuana should be legal, If anything If it does it should be legal of the age 21 IF ANYTHING. People do dumb things when they're "high". I don't understand why some people havvve to have it all the time. maybe to make them look cool?
Marijuana leads to soo many other bad things, poppin' pills, dropping out of school, cocain, suicide and so much more, I don't see why anyone would want to do it. So do I personaly think marijuana should be legal, no.
Ok, again with the drugs. look, if people want it, they can get it. whether its legal or not. So really it doesn't matter. it really truly doesn't, kay?
I don’t think marijuana should be legal. I think there would be more people abusing it than actually using it for a good cause. The only good thing that could come out of passing this law, is for helping people with different diseases that can’t find a cure.
There isn't really a point to making it legal. If somebody wants to smoke pot they're gonna do it anyways and if they're smart they won't get caught. But it causes respratory problems, not right away but like five or ten years after smoking it a lot. But if somebody else feels like destroying their body that's fine by me as long as I'm not brought into it. All in all it shouldn't be legal.
If it deals with medical issues, then it needs to be prescribed by a doctor, but I personally have never heard how marijuana has helped anyone. Drugs do things to people and mess with their mind. You can even see some effects it has even here in Harlan. Based on my knowledge of what drugs do to people, I do not think marijuana should be made legal.
Well either way people would still do it. I think it would not matter if you didn't want to smoke it then don't and i don't think as much people would. Actually probably about the same number of people would smoke it because no matter if it is legal or illegal the people who would smoke pot do.
Marijuana leads to soo many other bad things, poppin' pills, dropping out of school, cocain, suicide and so much more, I don't see why anyone would want to do it. So do I personaly think marijuana should be legal, no.