
  • Im glad he's going back to jail. i dont under stand why someone would do something like that?
  • sometimes i think the death penalty is a little too far, but this makes sme sick. he no doubt deserves to be put to death. murdering, sexual assult, and kidnapping is enough to be put down, but keeping corcases(sp)?! thats INSANE!! his house has to reaaakkkkK!
  • God what a freak, I can't believe they released such a complete psycho out of government care.
  • thats terrible, after being in prison for 15 years, he shouldnt even be able to be around women.
  • i think this guy should go to jail i can't believe he kept the people he killed in his house.
  • I hope he gets the maxium sentence because that is just wrong!
  • oh jeez. that's gross and sad. He shouldn't even be a live right now. Taking eight peoples lifes. wow.
  • I also hope that this guy gets what he deserves, nobody should get away with somthing so horid.
  • this guy better have the death penalty. that is just mean how could you kill and keep the bodies at your house eww it would smell soooooo badd.
  • wow i hope he gets convicted and he probably will because the insanity defense is a uncommon defense to use cause its so hard to prove. and like only 4% of all cases use that plea and I think it was like only 2% sucseed with it.
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