House Explosion

In Omaha a man, women, and a child were inside there housewen there house exploded and started on fire.  Police say they found fireworks in the house but still dont know what caused the explosion.  The man is in Creighton hospital and has lost one of his hands due to the explosion.

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  • That sounds horrible. I heard that the man also lost his leg and eye. Well the fireworks just made the fire worse. I wonder what the cause was.

  • Thats always sad :( If fireworks where in te house that is a good thing that could have caused it.

  • That would suck not to have two hands. I know that I would not be able to survive with out 2 hands.

  • That would be scary. I feel bad for the guy who lost his hand. That would suck to just have to make a huge change like that. At least no one died though.

  • Thats terible that there house exploded. You shouldnt keep fireworks in your house though.

  • This is horrible! The one place that you feel so safe is where you get hurt and almost die! This is scary! My best wishes go to the family.

  • This is really sad. One second your in your house still and peaceful, and the next your house explodes. I would hate to be in that mans positions. I hope that the man can go on with his lie. My best wishes goes to him

  • Oh my gosh that is just terrible!! I would be scared to death if my house just exploded. One thing that I want to know is why were there fireworks in the house?

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