I recent news there have been several reports on how people have been braking into hotel rooms using $50 worth of equipment that can all fin in a dry erase marker . The company that has been making these faulty locks distribute then all over the country. Recently Youtube videos have been added to Youtube that shows how to make one of these divices. I think that this is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with immediately.
What are your views?
The link is below.
Its cool how the equipment is that small, but videos that show how to make these devices make it too easy for theives.
I think that they need to get this fixed really soon. I dont wanna stay in a hotel that is at risk of being hacked. now i dont feel that safe going and staying in a hotel.
That is crazy! Kind of scary to think that your sleeping one night, and someone just comes in! I think they should remove the video's off of youtube because it could really give people the wrong idea! We don't need anymore breaking &Interings! 50$ Worth of stuff, that is crazy! Kind of alot if you think about it. It should stop!
That is not a good thing, it may be interesting that they can fit the whole device in the dry erase marker, but this should not be going on. As for the videos, they should probably be taken down cause a lot of crime could come from the wrong people knowing how to do this.
I wouldnt want someone breaking in my room. I hope people stop doing this and never do it again.
I think this is super scary because i just stayed at a hotel this weekend and thinking it that easy for them to break in doesn't sound cool at all.
I agree that this needs to be fixed and as for the video on how to do it i think its good that those are being put up because the ,ore that this occurs the more likely it will get fixed.
That is scary to think about. When you're sleeping, some random person could come into your hotel room just by using a $50 device from the internet! I really hope that the makers of the doors and the hotels are finding a way to fix the problem. What if some sort of crazy killer decided to make one of these devices? I wouldn't feel safe staying in a hotel with these kinds of doors. I hope not too many people have had their rooms broken into!
This can be dangerous. i think they should take the video's off youtube because it can give people the wrong idea. we dont need any more break in and theft probloms.
I think the video needs to be taken off of youtube that shows how that is done! And it definitely needs to be stopped!