Billboards in Chicago are being put up by the Physcians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). They say that eating hotdogs can cause colon cancer and other cancers. The hotdog companies are not happy with this ad.
Now that i know that you can get cancer from hotdogsI really don't want to eat hotdogs any more. How do you feel about this and would you still eat hotdogs?
i LOVE hotdogs, so i probably wont stop eating them any time soon! but really, butt cancer? wow, thats origional.
well if this is true, its a good thing i never really like hotdogs so i dont really eat em
what doesnt cause cancer any more you cant do any thing!
This is dumb! I learned what hotdogs are made from and it didn't make me stop eating them so ya. Cancer can be caused from a lot of things! I'm surprised they haven't told us to stop breathing yet because it causes cancer. Obviously saying smoking causes cancer doesn't work so why would people stop eating hotdogs?
You can get cancer from EVERYTHING (besides water i think). this is stupid if i want to put up a billboard that says smoking causes cancer thats not going to make smokers stop smoking.
Good thing I don't really eat hot dogs to begin with.. Here and there I do but I wouldn't chose it if I had a choice. That's really weird though!
The studies that show hotdogs causing cancer are probably biased and built upon false data anyway. The people who got cancer while eating hotdogs was probably from something completely unrelated. Also, in the rare case that it is in fact the hotdogs themselves, most people will continue eating them for the same reason people continue to smoke or the same reason people eat unhealthy food in any case.
It seems like everything can give you cancer. No matter what you do there are going to be the possiblity for something bad to happen. I could walk down the stairs and fall and break my ankle. I'm taking a risk going down the stairs. So no, I'm not going to stop eating hot dogs.
i dont see how the can cause caner. i wont stop eating them all bbecause of some billboard ad
This really makes me never want to eat hod dogs again. I want to be healthy and not eating hot dogs is not so bad. If the hot dogs really do cause colon cancer, then they should be removed from the market!