So I want the opinion of the students in Harlan....
Do you guys think it would be a good business if some made a hot dog place where you could go and get all the kids of hot dogs you wanted with every kind of toping...
I think it would be a good idea because I LOVE hot dogs.. but they should sell burgers too..
Plus itd be fun to experiment and try dogs with different topings we dont get to eat most the time..
But then im not sure if kids in Harlan would actually go to it, so would it beworth spending money to put one up?
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i would go if they hot dogs were good and cheap. i'm not a fan of plan hot dogs so topping your own would be good.
I think everyone would be excited and try it at first but i feel like it would loose business to other food places in harlan.
It would be cool for a while but you can get hotdogs everywhere. I dont think it would last.
i think it would be cool at first but it would get boring eventually. just like the snow cone business
I think that would be an amazing idea! I love hot dogs! But I would only go there if it wasn't like $5.00 a hotdog because that would just be too much!
i think it'd be cool but i dont know if it'd be a great idea to spend a whole lot of money on it. maybe it'd be worth it to do just like a smaller place kind of like our dq is..?
I think the burgers sound good but not the hot dogs. I personally dont like hot dogs from other places other than my house. Just like everything it would be new so everybody would go there for awhile but after the first month or so it would not be very enjoyable anymore.
I think it would be cool to have a place that sold hot dogs and burgers. I think it would get good business at first but would eventually be a bust.