73-year-old Velma Kellen of Yelm, Washington She called a repair man because she air was not working in her new furnace the repair man went under the house to the duct work he found the duct work cut and beer cans and the smell of  marijuana. The owner had to pay $500 dollars to fix the duct work. Why would someone try to live under someones house i mean really! I u can buy drugs then u don't need to live under someones house go out get a job and live and buy ur own house! what are your thoughts.


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  • It's just creepy thinking about someone living underneath your house and not knowing? But wouldn't you be able to smell that?

  • I personally think this would kinda be scary finding out someone was living under your house. But why wouldnt you know this either sometime you should have been able to figure that out you would think. I know that this lady was an elder but still she should have still seen somebody come out of there or heard someone because obviously this lady doesnt work.

  • Wow thats crazy! i dont know why someone would think to live under someone elses home. I would not be comfortable living in my own home after finding that out. The fact that they found beer cans and marijuana would upset me even more!

  • I think that the old woman should not have to pay for the damage caused to her house.. whoever lived under there should.. that person is just crazy! I feel sorry for the woman, imagine how disturbing it would be to discover somebody was living under your house.. i guess this just shows the lengths people will go to so they can afford their drugs..

  • Why would you try to live under a house? It is weird to think someone would do this also that is a ridiculous amount of money to have to pay for repairs. I wonder if the person under the house ever got caught and if she was in any way suspicious of someone under her house.

  • that is creepy! Feel bad for that lady who has to pay for the damages.

  • wow that is pathetic. if you have to sink that low instead of a bridge. c'mon.

  • This is crazy that the person was living in the womans house. I would be creeped out if that was me.

  • Personally I think this is aweful. And i agree with you that if they have money enough for drugs they should have money enough to get some decent clothes to wear to an interview and find a job.

  • That is very creepy! if i was that repair man i would get the heck out! and if i were that lady livin in that house i would leave so fast! that is very creepy and suspicious!

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