Homeless students

Researchers say that there were 1.2 million homeless students during the school year of 2011-2012. This age group includes kids from preschool all the way to high school. Groups of researchers say that economic problems are the cause of why so many students are homeless.  Most of them live in shelters, hotels/motels or staying with a friend.  A lot of students cover up being homeless because it's embarrassing and most parents lie because they're afraid they're going to get their kids taken away.  Do you guys think this is going on in our school?  Would you admit you were homeless if you were a student?

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  • Good story and good job replying!

  • I definitely think it's happening in our school. I know of one person, and they try to cover it up fairly well.

    If I was homeless, I probably would never tell anyone, except maybe my best friend. I think that if people know someone is homeless, they'll start making fun of that student. It's not their fault. They don't deserve that. 

  • This is terrible! I don't think anyone from Harlan is homeless. Though, like the kids in the story, most people don't like to talk about it so sometimes you can't just assume. But if I were homeless I would cover it up as much as possible so nobody would find out.

  • This is really sad that their are so many homeless students and children in our country! I'm not sure if this is happening in our school or not, but it's definitely a possibility especially when you look at the amount of homeless students in our country. I can understand why it would be difficult to say that you were homeless, but if I were in that situation I think that I would at least admit it to people who could maybe help me out, but I wouldn't want everybody to find out.

    • I would do the same thing. I wouldn't want the whole school to know because I think that people would always talk about it and I wouldn't want a bunch of people feeling bad for me.

  • This could be happening in our school. Somebody who has this problem could be keeping it to themselves. If I were homeless then I would tell my friends, but I wouldn't go around publicizing it.

    • If I told my friends I think that they would help me by letting me live with them.

  • I would not know if it is going on in our school, I think some students might be homeless but not a whole lot. I don't know if I would admit it I would probably have to be in that situation, but I think I could talk to my friends about or someone I was close too.

    • I think a lot of kids would be too scared to speak up because our generation is very judgmental.

  • dang, There were that many kids that were homeless in the united states that went to school. I hope that they get a house and a good job. and that they don't get bullied because they are homeless and have nowhere to return to. living in shelters is better than living on the streets because it is cleaner and healthier. If you live in a shelter nobody knows that you are homeless because you are clean and you probable have cloths that you don't have to where on a daily basis  

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