Homecoming Queen all a Joke

Whitney Kropp a 16 year old Girl from Michigan Community was elected to be on the homecoming ballets as a joke. She went home tell her mom how excited she was to be on the list, and the next day she won and she was so happy and then she figured out it was all a joke.  who would do this?
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  • that's nor right it means a lot to people and to do something like is just not right.

  • Wow! That's terrible. At least she has her family and her community to help her through this tough time. i hope they find whoever did this. I'm glad that this hasn't happened to anyone at our school.

  • i feel bad for the girl..  i dont't know why people would do such a thing

  • This is so sad:( I feel bad for. I don't know who in there right mind would do that, it's just plain cruel! Some people these days just don't have a heart. I hope she gets over it and doesn't scar her for life.

  • that is very mean. i hope the kids are punished and that she ended up winning anyway.

  • I heard about this! How horrible can you be? I would be devastated if this happened to me! The poor girl, I hope her real friends are there to confront her!

  • This is really cruel. I wonder how the person got everyone to vote for Whitney. That's really sad, that she was to the point of suicide almost. Luckily her town is supporting, and is helping her out. Hopefully they find who did this. It was probably someone who envies her, or is feeling very small inside. Also, whoever did it, had obviously thought the plan through, because this wouldn't be super easy to pull off, I would think. 

  • Ill tell you who would do that!! Meanie heads is who would do that!

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