On Monday, April 20 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM, there will be a Holocaust survivor speaking at the Therkildsen Center. You must sign in with Ms. Bryan and then do a reflection blog about the presentation. You can earn up to ten extra credit points for going. Here is the press release for more info: On April 20, 2009, HCHS will host an evening with Mr. Philip Gans. Mr. Gans is an Auschwitz survivor whose mission is to speak to as many people as possible about his experiences during the Holocaust. He feels that it is important for people to hear about the Holocaust first hand from a survivor. In a few more years, there will be no concentration camp survivors, as even the youngest camp survivors, like Mr. Gans, have entered their eighties. Mr. Gans is the only member of his family to survive the Holocaust. He has spoken to over 5,000 adults and young people in the Sioux City area in the past four years during their Annual Tolerance Week among many other speaking engagements around the United States. For those interested in hearing his message, he will speak on Monday, April 20th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the C. G. Therkildsen Center. Adults and students welcome. Admission is free.
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