A man in Missouri had tested positive for HIV in 2003. Over that period of time he gave HIV to 300 people. He already had a felony and was into trouble before this happened. Know he is in Jail. Do you think he should go to jail for giving HIV to 300 people? NOTE- The 300 people didn't know that he had HIV. http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/06/justice/missouri-hiv-arrest/index.html?hpt=hp_inthenews
You should expand a bit more with your responses instead of just "I agree".
He should definitely go to jail for that. HIV is something you don't spread, especially without consent. This guy probably had mental issues when he found out he had it, but that's no excuse. He should be in jail so he doesn't harm more people.
I agree
Honestly, I think he should have given some indication that he had an STD. If it was only one or two people and he didn't know he had it, whatever. He knew he had it for ten years. That just causes problems. I am really indifferent though on whether he should go to prison or not.
Well thats a terrible thing to do by this guy, but at the same time he shouldn't go to jail for this. Its partially the other peoples fault for not asking before they did these activities.
I can kind of see what you are saying. but I don't agree
I think he should go to jail because he gave it to 300 innocent people not telling them he had it. I also agree that someone who has HIV should not be able to run whenever and wherever they to. Not only is it bad for them but very bad for the people around the person who has HIV. It is very dangerous.
Yes. It is against the law to not tell the person you have HIV. I'm pretty sure someone was charged with doing that before. There was also a Law and Order SVU on this and the guy went to jail. Even though that show is fiction I'm pretty sure that the same thing would happen.
Yea I agree with you Isaac!!!!! IZZIKISSKITTLES
If he knew he had HIV for ten years and gave it to 300 people? Yeah, I'd say that constitutes some sort of wrong-doing has occurred and deserves to be punished.