Human mummy confection. This is a medicinal substance created by soaking human cadavers in honey. This is a gruesome process to mummify people to later consume as a form of medicine. This is believed to have originated in ancient Arabia and later made its way to China in the 16th century. Honey was used for many things for it was packed with energy and was used as a cure-all. Honey is high in sugar causing it to suck water from bacteria so essentially drying the microbes to death. Typically Older men would donate themselves to the mellification process this happens while still alive. First, they would switch to a honey-only diet, they would then be sealed in a stone coffin filled with honey for a century. Then they were ready to purchase. After about a century they would have turned it into confection used to heal wounds and broken bones.
Alexander the Great was reportedly submerged in honey, he wanted to keep himself presentable for public display. Honey itself affects around 60 types of bacteria such as fungi and viruses. There is evidence of honey being used in burial rites. Modern embalming consists of replacing all the body's natural fluids and replacing them with a preservative liquid. They used different methods such as stitches to close jaws and spiked eye caps to keep the eyelids shut. In Europe, they practiced different methods, such as removing the internal organs and immersing the body in alcohol.
What do you think about this would you want to experience this?
Would you try some of this confection for healing?
What will you do with your body afterlife?
I do not think I would want to experience something like this. To me personally, it sounds like an uncomfortable experience. If something like this worked I might consider doing it for healing, but it would take a lot of convincing. After my life is over I want my body to be cremated or buried.
I do think that with all of this that did happen with everything that did go on and start to go right into some kind of medicine that did have to be made, also i wouldnt even want to go and experence it at all it would probbly be kind of scary for me.
NO! I would not want to experience this, it does not seem like a fun thing to do. It is a weird activity that I've actually never heard of, I wonder if it's even legal. Sure, I would try it as a method of healing. I'm not sure what will happen to my body afterlife, I guess I'll never even know.
I don't really know if this is legal anymore but it is definitely something different we don't hear or see about this anymore. I think that if my mom gave me some of this as a way to heal myself I would definitely try it.