In 1940, the first Mcdonald's was opened in San Bernardino, California. You would think Mcdonald's would have been so successful because of their ability to make food fast but they were very good at marketing and the iconic ads. Since they were so successful at the marketing they were able to keep up with competion. Mcdonald's main competitors were wendy's, In and out, and of course Burger King. The menu for Mcdonald's look pretty simular to what we have now but just a little more basic.
In 1948, the founders of Mcdonald's , Maurice and Richard McDonald, revamped the business. Some of the new looks of Mcdonald's was being able to make a large amount of food faster. Another big part of this time was the fun, red and yellow clown. Rondald was a chacter to appeal to children and symbolize Mcdonald's. With good food and a goofy looking clown they had to be the best fast food company in the world, but in 1979, Mcdonald's started giving out toys with kid's meals that just few month later was named the happy meal.
What is your favorite thing at Mcdonald's?
Do you like Ronald Mcdonald or do you think he is creepy?
Do you think Mcdonald's is bad for you?
If I go to Mcdonald's I usualy eat breakfast there and I get pancakes and eggs. I think that Mcdonald's isn't very healthy for you however it is probley just as healthy as most other fast food resturants in the United States.
I don't really like McDonalds. I think Ronald Mcdonald is very creepy, but has an overall good meaning. I think McDonalds is unhealthy and isnt good for you. But, because it is cheap and easy for people to get. They continue to buy it even though it can be bad.
My favorite thing at Mcdonald's is their fries. I really don't have an opinion about Ronald Mcdonald because I don't pay any attention to him. Of course I think Mcdonalds is bad for you. As is really any fast food. I just don't have Mcdonalds that often.
My favorite thing at McDonalds is the chicken nuggets because their yummy in my tummy, im not a fan of clowns so i don't really like ronald McDonald. I don't just think McDonalds bad for you, I think that all fast food reasturants are bad for you but they are yummy so I don't really care if it is or not.
My favorite thing to get from McDonalds has to be the fires. I thfries are the best. Ronald McDonald does not bother me at all. dont really like clown bcause thye are funny looking but. I have watched videos about eating mcdonals every day and you gain alot of weight.
I like to get the fries from Mcdonald's. I think Ronald Mcdonald is really scary. I met him once and I never want to see him again because he was so scary. I know Mcdonald's is bad for you. It has a bunch of calories, fat, and has many unknown ingredients.
My favorite thing are Mcdonalds is a double cheeseburger. Sometimes they are way too over salted, and they do not taste as well as they could, but I still like them. Mcdonalds also has great fries. Ronald Mcdonald was kinda creepy for a bit, and now with more advanced AI there are videos of him "Moving".
I like the McDonald's fries I think they are the best fast food fries as is. I think Ronald Mcdonald is good because I think it is good for the brand to have a mascot for a famous fast food chain. McDonald's isn't good for you because it is of course fast food.
My favorite thing at McDonald's is probably the fries and I do believe that Ronald Mcdonald is creepy and so, because of that, I do believe that he is creepy. I think that Mcdonald's is probably one of the worse things you can eat, as it's obviously very unhealthy.
I don't go to McDonalds often, but when I do I usually get the chicken sandwich and some sort of drink. I don't really like Ronald Mcdonald because he does seem pretty creepy. McDonalds definetely isn't good for you, but I don't think it's necessarily bad for you either.