Adrian DeeJay Broadway (15) was shot in the head after her and her friends covered a mans car in eggs, toilet paper, mayo, and leaves. Willie Noble (48) told the police that he was trying to scare them away from his car with gun shots and accidentally shot her in the head. He was charged with first degree murder, one count of terroristic act, and five counts of assault. 

Do you think he should be charged with murder because it was an accident? What would you have done in his situation?


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  • Again, you replied well on Tuesday but didn't reply the rest of the week.

  • He for sure should be charged with 1st degree murder.  Under no circumstances should you shoot a gun in someones general direction.  Especially at kids. 

  • He should be charged with murder and you can't just shoot your gun in the air to scare away pranksters this isn't the 1800's anymore.

  • Why would you even pull a gun I mean just yell at them and they probably would've ran away? I mean what idiot would shoot at all?

    • I think its probaly ok to draw your gun out and walk up to them because you dont know if their trying to steal your car or if they have guns but defaintly dont start shooting off because just reading this it seems he didnt even have a target in mind.

  • Why would you scare teenagers away with a gun? And if you were going to why wouldn't you shoot it in the air or the other direction. You don't aim guns towards anyone. 

    • Dont know. Maybe he was just following Joe Bidens brilliant advice.

  • I dont think the girls should have been vandalizing his car but the man shouldnt have shot he could have just called the cops

  • I think that he should be charged with murder but not for that long because they should no be doing that to his car and he was protecting his things.

  • I think he should be charged with murder because I don't think this was an accident.  He could have aimed in a direction where nothing and nobody would have been hurt.

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