What would you prefer? I am not sure we are doing sadie hawkins dance this year, but for next year who would be in favor of sadie hakins or a winter formal? please leave your oppinion. Thank you!
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I think that a dance that we could just invent on our own would be really cool... like if we were to have a kind of dance that we could just come as we are and dress up as ourselves.. and we could have a lot of different decorations and dance music and stuff and it would be cool!
I think we should have a Sadie Hawkins dance...I thought we would have one this year so I was kind of bummed when we didn't.
I think something like a winter formal would be really fun to do... Or even doing Sadie Hawkins, but doing something different to make the Sadie Hawkins have a fun quality where it makes people actually want to go.
I think it would be cool to do something new, like the winter formal or something. I like when the girls get to ask the guys though cause I like coming up with creative ideas! The dance itself is pretty boring.. the asking and getting ready is the fun part!
i think of have the sadie hawkins would be fun.
I think something like a snowball dance would be cool. somethng new to our school.