A man climbed a crane that is 150 feet tall in Beijing about a week ago. The police do not know much about him, and they have been unsuccessful in convincing him to come down. He has made no threats or demands, and the police do not want to try to forcibly remove the man because of the possible loss of life. Authorities have begun sending food and water to the man, hoping that he will tell them why he is there.
I think this man is very brave for sitting so high up with little to eat or drink, and for such a long amount of time. I know I wouldn't be able to do it. Would you sit 150 feet in the air for over a week to protest something? Why do you think he is sitting on the crane?
I wouldn't do that. Why is he doing it? He's not brave he's dumb. It is probably for attention.
Wow this sure is something. I wonder what would make him sit that far up for a week (let alone an hour!). He must not be afraid of heights!
This is kind of bizarre, to be protesting even though no one is for sure what for. Maybe he did it for attention, who knows. It must have taken a lot of courage to climb a structure that high and stay there for many nights.
This is a crazy story... I don't know if i would climb up to the top of a crane for anything... he will probably come down when all the attention around him stops.
I wouldnt ever sit up that high for that long. I have no idea why he is up there and i don't think anyone really knows why he is.
I hope he doesn't fall off but i wouldn't have a clue why he is up there
There is no way that I would be able to sit up there for a week to protest something. I just wouldn't be able to do it.
If I was protesting something that was going on that I thought was wrong I would totally do that, but I would also be afraid. Maybe he's sitting on top of the crane to tell the city that they shouldn't do what they're doing.
Its crazy that he can just sit up there. I am surprised that he was able to get to the crane tower in the first place. I am guessing that they don't have very good security in Beijing.
He is obviously not afraid of heights. Maybe he was just bored and wanted to get on the news. The only problem would be falling down when you sleep.