
In recent news a baby elephant was stuck in a well in India for about 12 hours.  A reporter thinks that it may have been looking for its mother and fell in on accident.  In the end the forestry service used their bulldozer to build a ramp in order to get the baby elephant out.  When it was safely out it returned to the jungle.

I think that I would have done anything I could to help, I’m also amazed that the community came together to help the elephant.

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  • Poor elephant, glad the forestry service could save his life, hope he found his mother


  • Im glad that they all came together to help a wild animal i would love to do anything to help this elephant but i would also be scared to.

  • I'm happy it was still alive when they found it. And im surprised people helped the poor thing get out instead of just walking away. If i would have found this i would call someone right away. This would be a sad sight to see!! I hope they filled that hole in so it doesnt happen again.

  • How on earth would an elephant get in a well? Poor thing. I'm sure glad it's ok though. It's great that the community was able to get him out and the poor baby was able to get back home.

  • Awh the poor elephant! At least it is ok and got out! I bet that was a "fun" ride down the well! Good thing the forestry service got him out!

  • elephants are my favorite animal and its so sad to think that this baby elephant was stuck in a well! Im really glad he got and was safe. That is awesome that the people could work together to get him out.

  • well glad its ok and its always good when a community comes together to solve a situation.

  • How did the elephant survive a fall? Wells are usually pretty deep!

  • I love elephants they are so cute and just amazing animals! If i was living down there i would have tried to help in anyway possible. I'm glad this elephant got out safely and returned to its mom.

  • Poor baby elephant! I'm glad they got him out safe.. i wonder how it got down there in the first place? Anyways, this is another example of when people work together, they can do amazing things!

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