Why should kids be able to wear dog collars or even elf ears? What's the difference between wearing hats and decorating yourself with elements a dog would use? This is not so much a personal attack on those emos who decorate themselves as dogs. More resembaling that the school's policy makes little to no sense. Why do hats cause such distress? I see no distraction in wearing hats. We should be allowed to wear caps given that there is no profanity or slurs.
Many would argue that caps hide our face or are disrespectful. What is the difference between that or a collar? Sure, a collar may not hide your face but is much more distracting than a regular hats. If an object is not taking away our learning there is no harm in it. Schools need to review their policies and make sure everyone has an equal opportunity to do what they would like. The one exception is everyone must take their hat off for the pledge. You must obey and respect those who fought for our freedoms and rights. It is unbelieveable the people who take our country for granted.
To summarize hats belong in school, dogs do not. Personally, I see no reason why kids should be able to dress like dogs or other animals. That would be one hundred percent more likely to disturb learning in schools. Schools, do the right thing, ban animal items and allow hats.
Do you think that hats should be allowed in school? Why or why not?
Why do you think schools have such foolsih policies?
Interesting topic choice and pretty good job overall Eli! I do think your summary could have been a bit lonmger and I wish you would have done ewhat I asked about the history of wearing hats indoors. Also be sure to reply a bit more frequently and on three different days.
I think that hats should be allowed in schools becuase they are way less distracting then dog collars. Hats are very common and probably don't make any one stare at them and be distracted. I think that schools have foolish policies becuase of the fact that they think dog collars are not as distractive to a students learning than a hat.
I think hats should definately be allowed in school. If people can wear dog collars (that are distracting) then poeple can wear hats (that are not distracting). I don't really understand the scools policies with clothes and other things it really just doesn't make sense sometimes.
I think that hats in school are not distracting at all, but dog collars are very distracting. Everyone has seen people wear hats, so they dont ask questions or give attention to them. But people wearing dog collars are fairly new, so more people pay attention to those instead of learning.
I think that people should be allowed to wear hats in school because it doesn't distract anyone from learning. I believe that collars are way more distracting and everyone notices, but I doubt anyone would notice if somebody wore a hat. Personally, I don't see why schools have these policies.
I think either hats should be allowed or dog collars and the other stuff should be banned. A hat is far more less distracting then dogs collars. I think school only sees that wearing a hat takes away from the own persons learning. But they don't realize that dog collars and other stuff take away more learning then hats do. Plus, there would be a lot less bullying if dog collars wear banned
I think they should be aloud in school like honesly whats the big deal with hats and like you said and some other people have said the dog collars and cat ears or whatever are more distracting then hats now i get that if the hats say bad stuff that we cant wear them but if its just a reagular hat we should be able to.
Yes, I agree. Things kids wear in school nowadays are much more distracting than a hat. I see no problems with hats unless they have profanity or other mean slurs. I see the fact that it is a thing of respect but wearing dog collars should be considered disrespect too.
I never really got why hats are banned in school, they are not distracting and some people really like wearing them, it might be like a thing of respect or safety? like, you don't wear hats in an office a government building, or in a bank so that if something happens people can be recognized, so it might be the same in school but I think people should just be allowed to wear whatever makes them feel most comfortable.
I think that hats should be allowed in school because people don't pay attention to hats as much as they do to collars. I don't get why people wear collars or elf ears. I've noticed that whenever someone wears a hat in class no one gets bothered by it except the teacher, but if a student wears a collar or elf ears everyone except the teacher are bothered or distracted by it.