Technology has impacted today's society, but has it also impacted how lazy we are? Technology has improved so much it's taken over jobs or other labor humans used to do. Technology has transformed how we live completely. There are now AI, apps, and many other types of technology or things that involve technology that help or do things for you.
No matter how simple the task is, technology will probably now do it for you. One example is doing your homework. There are apps like Photomath that give you the answers to most of your mathematical questions. There is also different types of AI that can answer questions you ask it. For example, you can have it to write an essay for you about a specific topic. There are also apps where you don't have to leave your house to go do stuff. A common example would be shopping. You can now do that online and these apps are making malls less used. People used to go to malls and stores to buy what they needed but now you can download an app or go to a website and shop from there. Also, if you wanted to go and eat food, you could also just order from your couch and have it delivered to your home. Due to technology, you don't have to get up, thus making you lazy. Another thing people can do is work from home. There is no need to wake up and drive to work when you can work from home.
Technology and the way in which we have let it develop has let it affect us in multiple ways. We are now too lazy to go in stores to buy things like groceries or clothes, we're too lazy to do our homework, we're too lazy to do math problems on our own, and we're too lazy to get food from a restaurant. We are the cause for the increase in laziness these past years. This can continue to be our way of living, or we can fix our dependance on technology. Technology is both a blessing and a curse.
In what ways has technology made YOU lazy?
Do you think we will let technology overtake society?
Well done Dixi!! Did AI write this for you? Just kidding but it would be fitting for your topic. I would like to see your thoughts on the matter as well in your summary.
I think technology has made me lazy instead of going home after schooling and doing stuff i would just stare at my phone when im supposed to be doing chores. I think the way that technology keeps advacing and growing it will soon take over society.
I think technology has effected my laziness because whenever I get home from a long day at school, all I wanna do is sit down and be on my phone or watch netflix. If technology wasn't a thing I would get home and I would probably leave the house right away and do anything besides sit inside and do nothing. So yes technology has impacted the level of laziness in the society.
I think that technology will take over our society. Because the kids no days are just sitting inside and watching their phones. Also that means it is increasing their lazzniess and not going out and doing something to get away from their phones. I'm just wondering what its gonna be like in the next 10 years from now.
I think that technology has made me lazy because it can get so distracting. I would rather sit down and watch social media than get up and be active. I think that technology will take over society. Just look at it now, it's everything. Imagine what it will be like in just 5/10 years.
I think it has made me lazy because most of my free time I am staring at a screen instead of hanging out with friends or playing outside. I do believe that technology could take over society due to the amount of people that love staring at screens instead of working, working out, or even hanging out with friends.
I also tend to stay inside and do nothing than do things that are more productive and better for me.
I do agree that technology has changed society for example, shopping online has made people not want to go into the stores because they have the same access online that they do in the stores. However, I don't think we will let technology take over. I think there is a limit to which people will let technology take over.
I think its made me lazy because I sit inside on my phone a lot instead of going outside, I also feel like a lot of people would rather sit and inside and playing video games with friends then outside. I do think technolgy will take over sometime longterm because its already taking of a lot of young kids.
I feel like a lot of people prefer doing nothing than going out especially after a long day, so they stay inside, do nothing, and watch tiktok or something.