In Pittsburgh, a McDonalds employee was arrested after an undercover law enforcement officers said the found out that she was selling heroin in happy meal boxes. People who were looking to buy drugs were told to go through the drive-through and ask to order a toy, they were then told to drive to the first window where they would be handed a Happy Meal box containing heroin. During the drug bust the officers received 10 bags of heroin and after her immediate arrest the found 50 additional bags of heroin. This is a terrible thing to do what if you accidentally sold this to some kids.
What would you do if you accidentally bought drugs in a happy meal? Why do you think this women decided to sell it at her work?
Read the full story here
Good job but you could have replied a few more times.
Well that is would be terrible if a kid accidentally got that, but they would probably tell their parents and they would call the cops. So I guess it wouldn't be that bad after all.
I would report it, right away. I think she probably was desperate for money, and why not do it from McDonalds, as long as you knew who you were selling it to.
this is probably the stupidest thing I have ever heard
I would keep the evidence and report it to the police. I would let them know exactly what employee I got it from.
if I received heroin in my happy meal I would take it straight to the police and personally show them who handed it to me and who was all working at that time
If this happened to me I would immediately call the cops. I think she did this because it was an easy way to distribute it.
I think that that is just crazy! who would put drugs in a little kids meal? That's just unethical and wrong. I would report it to the police if I found drugs in a happy meal.
I would have reported it. I think that it's terrible though that some kids could have accidently got it.
This is actually a very clever, I never would have thought that a drug deal would take place in a drive-through area, much less putting it into a "happy meal."