Happy Anneversary Occupy Wall Street

Today is the 1 year anniversary of occupy wall street! And why not celebrate by getting over 100 protesters arrested for disorderly conduct.  There reason for protesting: They are the 99% (thats what they are saying) and the rich are 1%. They believe that we need to take from the rich and give to the poor (Robin Hood!). To me it kind of sounds like the Karl Marx theory.


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  • It is similar to Karl Marx's theory, but not quite the same. They don't want everyone to be equal, they just want less money and power to go to the 1%. I think that the 1% has earned their money, and they don't need to give it to the 99%.

  • You're right, it does sound like Marx's theory. I agree with taking from the rich and giving to the poor. If it makes a rich person poor, then someone else would probably become rich to give them money.

  • I think that the people there should have been searching for jobs or a way to earn more money, because staying and protesting, didn't really help their cause.

  • This does fo along with the Karl Marx theory. I feel we shouldnt do this, because the money you earn is yours and you can deside what to do with it. I can see where it is hard to find work, but we should be able to decide where our money goes. There are a lot of lower class citizens who would make good use of this money, but there are also many who would use it to buy drugs or other wrong reasons.

  • I think it sound a little bit communistic but at the same time, no. The poor people will use the money to pay their bills, obtain economic stability within their homes, and to help stimulate the economy by buying things. And the rich people can afford it. But the whole part that everyone should be more equalized is sort of Kommy. 

  • I totally agree it sounds a bit like Karl Marx's Theory. I don't think everyone wants to be exactly equal. They just don't want that much power in the hands of the One Percent of the population. Simple as that.

  • I kind of agree with you that it does sound a little like Karl Marx's theory. But I think they don't want evreryone to be equal, just that there should be a smaller gap between the richest and the poor. They don't want so much control and power to be in the hands of 1% of the population.

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