Hamburglar Steals from McDonald's

In Maine, a man dressed as a Hamburglar ran through the drive-thru lane of a McDonald's and stole a bag of food that was being handed to a customer.

I think this is hilarious and extremely ironic. It sounds like a prank someone would pull on a T.V show.

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  • That is hilarious. I am sure it was just a prank the guy pulled just for a joke on McDonalds. Its not really that big of deal though McDonalds isn't losing that much money over it.

  • That is hilarious. I could see someone doing that on TV. I wonder if the person who lost their food was laughing or not.

  • That is funny. I wonder what the people thought when they saw him doing that. They were probably just laughing at him.

  • This is awesome. Honestly, if I was the person that had my food stolen, I would probably laugh. I bet it was just a prank and a pretty good one.

  • haha it wouldve been funnier if he was a burger king employee

  • thats funny! i have never heard of anyone doing anything like that before, but i dont think that is a big deal because McDonalds didnt lose much money from that

  • I think that's awesome! but wheres the rest of the happy meal gang?

  • haha that would be hilarious, if that happened to me i would laugh it off then be pissed because well i just lost my food haha

  •      The person that the food was stolen from probably thought that the mcdonalds did it at first. I geuss if you were going to steal food that would be the way to do it. that is pretty funny.

  • I think this is funny!

    Wow ha I could so see someone doing this on tv

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