Every year Evert Hiller and his wife throw a holiday party. After every party Evert goes through all of the pictures taken and photoshops celebrities into them. He has been photoshopping for so many years that it actually looks like the celebrity is there. Down below is a picture with Ryan Gosling in it.

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  • That's so cool! It actually kind of looks like Ryan Gosling was actually there. That's a good idea to do to prank people! He's a really good photoshopper!

  • He is good, but I don't know who any of those celebrities are..... ha so I wouldn't be all that impressed.

  • That's some nice photo editing! Looks pretty official to me. My dad does a lot of that kind of stuff too...it always amazes me when he can accomplish something like that and make it look completely real.

  • Wow he is pretty darn good if he can do it like that all the time. It is a cool skill to have but i think it can be a kinda wierd if they show people and tell them they were there.

  • psycho. i dont know that celebrity but all the people in the picture look real. Thats sad he has to make a fake life just to be happy. Cant stand fakes.

  • I wonder if anyone, that doesnt know he photoshops them, actually would believe these celebrities were there. I think that its kinda sad that he does this. Is he like not happy with his life and the people in it? Does pictures of celebrities make him happy? Crazy..

  • The pictures actually look real but the sad thing is is that I don't know any of those celebrities.

  • He is pretty good. I bet that makes an interesting conversation when he shows the pictures to somebody. It could lead to trouble though. He better make sure he doesn't get himself iin trouble for it.

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