Guns Made with 3D Printers


Solid Concepts, a firearm manufacturer in Texas, says that they have created the first metal handgun out of a 3D printer. It has apparently been shot for than 50 times, with a few bulls-eyes from over 30 yards. While this may frighten some people, Alyssa Parkinson, a spokeswoman for the company made clear that it was not a desktop printer. Basic 3D printers go for about $2000 while the one they used was a high-end specialized printer that would be out of many people's price ranges. It cost more than Parkinson's college tuition, even at a private university.

What do you guys think? Is this technology going too far? Do you think this could be helpful?

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  • Well done! You could have replied a few more times.

  • I think its cool that technology has come to that. I do think it could be dangerous. Anyone that can afford this could use it dangerously. 

  • This is crazy! Yes, this technology is going very far. I mean it might be helpful but it's really stupid though...

  • I think that having a 3D printer would be nice, but it would be a little weird to have one. I think that technology is going too far, because I can't think of a way that you can use this. Sure, it will make things easier to get, but I don't know why it could be useful.

  • I actually think this is really cool! I mean, if they can make a gun from a 3D printer, they could surely make other things could they not? So maybe it could be a (perhaps faster?) way of manufacturing goods that consumers could use, if they were to perfect the art of 3D printing. 

    • If they do perfect 3D printing then they could make things that are even bigger.

  • I went to a 3D printer exhibition several months ago,that's...awesome...

  • This is pretty cool. Of course there is the worry that somebody could buy one of these, make a lot of guns, and sell them to bad people. But I don't think that citizens will be allowed to acquire a 3D printer as high end as that. I think this could lead to a lot of innovations in production and industrialization.

    • I completely agree. This high-end of a printer would have to be owned only by companies that need to make products faster and more efficiently.

  • I don't think they should sell these type of printers to people, if they just sell them to big businesses that manufacture guns then it would be fine. I think it's neat how technology can do things like this, but it might be going a little far.

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