Gun's Right

On Friday of last week, Governor Kim Reynolds passed/signed a law allowing teachers to carry guns on school grounds. The law, House File 2586 also gives school districts and school employees qualified immunity for the use of reasonable force. It requires the state's largest school districts to employ school resource officer in their high school unless their school board votes to opt out. Republican supporters think allowing school districts to choose is a way to give school districts more control over safety. Democrats and gun violence prevention groups say it will make students and school employees feel less safe because there could be gun accidents in schools. Democrats opposed the bill that allows school districts to use professional development funds to pay for training for staff members who want to have a gun.


Do you think teachers should be allowed to have guns on school grounds?

Do you think students and other staff member will feel safer or not?

Should professional development funds be used to train staff members on how to properly handle a gun in school?

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  • I think that teachers should be able to have guns to help protect students. But, I think that they need to have background checks and training if they have not had any yet.  I think that this could defiently help keep American schools safer in a lot of ways.

  • It sounds like a good idea, but there is a lot of teachers that flip out and i feel as if it is as dangerus to let teacher to have guns as it is to let kids be able to get guns. People are going to act like they are scare just so they can get out of school for a while and they are just going to let them out.

  • I think teachers should be able to have guns, but only after heavy background checks, training, and a guaranteed way to keep the gun protected while in the classroom. I think students and other staff will feel safer, but they may worry about a teacher's gun getting into the wrong hands. 

  • I think with the right training and testing on the teachers they should be allowed to have guns in school. i think, like i said witht the right training and testing people will feel safer. I don't think that proffessional devolopment should fund training as if a teacher wants a gun they should have to pay for their own training and then show document to the school.

  • I think that if the teachers were trained they should be able to but I think that its kinda sad that it would have to come to this point. I think that it would be safer but I dont think that the school should have to pay for the funds to train them i think that if the teachers guinuely care for our safty they should put effort in doing the work to keep us safe.

  • I think that they can have guns on them if they want to. I think that they will feel safer. I do think that they should take training for a gun if they want one

  • I think that teahers shoudl be able to have concealed carry because if we do have a school shooter it the police might not get here in time. i think we shoud feel safe if they do carry a gun. i think the funds would be a good idea if they do go towrd the trianing of them. 

  • i think teachers should be allowed to carry in school. do i think itll make kids feel less safe absoutly not, in this geration its like every other day a school shooting happens and there could be so many different ways to perevent it. I think the school should have to pay for there teachers and staff to get the training for this. it would make more since the schools would have to fund towards most of the other stuff that is paid for the teachers.

  • I think that teachers should be allowed to have guns in their classrooms. I think that this could however make the school both more tense. The thought of a teacher carrying a gun could make some students scared tha they might be in danger. 

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