A grizzly bear mauls and kills a hiker in Denali National park. Along with his torn backback, a camera was found, its memory card containing pictures of the bear that the man must have taken only about 50 yards away. Park regulation states that you should remain a quarter of a mile away from all bears. I personally dont think it was right to shoot the bear when the man who was attacked was breaking regulation by going to close to the bear. What do you think?
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It is sad that this man was killed because he wasn't following the rules of the park. But if the man could have been saved by shooting the bear i think that would have been necessary to save the mans life.
no its not right to kill the bear the man was invating the bears territory. it was his falt.. if you see a bear why go closer..just to take a picture. it wasnt the bears falut....maybe it had small cubs it was pretecting...and now they have no mom.
I totally agree with you! He shouldn't have been that close to the bear. I don't think the bear deserved to die, it was instinct and the bear didn't know it was wrong.
Don't mess with bears. Duh, it was his fault. Obviously the bear had something to protect, and it did. It died for it though.
ya i think its a good idea to kill the bear because you dont know if he is going to attack someone again
I think that it was the man's fault for being too close. It's not like the bear could logically think "I should just leave this guy alone because he's just here to take pictures." I'm not saying he deserved to die, necessarily, but there are consequences for these kinds of things. I hope that people will take this into consideration before they want to get too close to nature again.
I think it was the man's fault for being too close to the bear. Did he think a wild bear was just going to leave him alone? I dont think so, 50 yards is pretty close to huge bear that can kill you.
It's horrible what happened to to the man, but it's clear that the bear didn't understand - even if the man meant no harm - why he was coming too close to it, so it was probably just protecting it's territory.
The guy was being pretty stupid by getting that close to the bear. Its not the bear's fault that it was using natural instinct and felt that it was being threatened. They didnt need to kill the bear, however. THey couldve simply relocated it. However that is probably the vegetarian in me talking.
I think that this guy is stupid for getting that close to the bear and I do think that it was the right choice to shoot the bear simply because he was obviously an agressive bear and nobody wants to have that happen agian