Gorilla at Hospital After Fight

A 27-year old Silverback Gorilla named Motuba brought into the Nebraska Medical Center after he got into a fight with another Gorilla for a CT scan and surgery for a fractured jaw.

Motuba is a younger Gorilla that got into a fight with one of the older gorillas that left his jaw fractured and 3 of his teeth pointing outward.

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  • I find it interesting that they brought it to a human hospital. I suppose it's physiology is probably closer to ours than most animals though

  • I cant believe a gorilla was in a hospital 

  • that would be odd if you were the doctor when that came in

  • That's crazy that he was taken to a hospital. I hope he recovers and has learned his lesson. He better not get into any more fights.

  • they took him to a human hospital because he was bleeding alot and they didnt have the supplys or equipment at the zoo to take care of him and they did

  • that's really crazy.. but its awesome that they helped the gorilla on his fractures.. i hope that helps for the gorilla

  • That's what you get when you put two large male animals in one pen.

  • poor guy, thats gotta hurt, get well soon big man =)

  • He's huge! Why did they take him to the hospital? Isn't there a place for uncommon animals that have serious injuries?

  • Poor guy :( I am glad that he is okay now. Tell the other gorillas to stop being mean! 

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