Gordon Pranks Again

You may remember NASCAR Driver Jeff Gordon's prank on a car salesman last year, but It looks like he wasn't quite done there. The new victim, magazine skeptic Travis Okulski, had been criticizing Gordon's last prank and calling it fake, so Jeff and Pepsi decided to prove him wrong. This time, posing as a ex-con cab-driver, Jeff Gordon pulls off a staged police chase through a closed coarse, giving Travis the ride of his life!

Do you think Travis deserved this big prank as revenge? How would you have reacted if you were in Travis' shoes? Would you be scared to ride in a taxi afterwards? 

Link: CNN video

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  • Good job!

  • That's great he did that! I would be happy because I got to meet him. I would still ride in a taxi after.

  • I don't think that it was that big of a deal.....obviously Jeff Gordon knows what he's doing, so there's no reason for Travis to be afraid of taxis. It was just a fun prank.

    • I guess your right, though Travis still admits this prank was the scariest moment of his life! I wouldn't be surprised if he at least hesitates before taking another taxi ride. 

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